Elon Musk Tweets “Congratulations @BoringCompany on completing the LA/Hawthorne tunnel!”

Twitter / Tunnel Insider

History was made as the Boring Company got a shout-out from billionaire founder Elon Musk on Twitter after the venture’s tunneling machine, nicknamed Godot, broke through the tunnel wall, completing the tunnel in Hawthorne, California.

Below you’ll see Musk’s joyous tweet congratulating @BoringCompany on completing the LA/Hawthorne tunnel alluding that the success was the result of utilizing some cutting edge technology! And we couldn’t agree more!

SUCCESS! Once again for Elon and his BC team!

This would finish up the heavy-duty boring job for a test tunnel that connects a parking lot next to SpaceX’s headquarters to another Boring Company property.

The nice thing about the wall breakthrough is that the tunneling machine can now be lifted out of its hole for the Boring Company’s next job.

There’s no longer any need to be waiting for Godot; in Literary terms if you get our drift! (Wink Wink!)

No its on to the party which is happening on December 10th and open to invitation-only tours! @BoringCompany, we polished our iPhone camera lenses and we’re prepped and ready for our invitation in stride 😉


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