Tunnel Insider’s top 5 movies featuring tunnels

Photo Credit: Tunnel Insider

Though Tunnel Insider has mostly featured stories that focus on tunnels that are used for transportation, today we wanted to take a new approach and showcase other cool tunnel related stuff, such as our 5 favorite movies that feature tunnels.

From using tunnels to make daring escapes, commit complex crimes, or featuring them as places of horror, here are the the top 5 films that feature tunnels.

1. The Tunnel

Photo Credit: thisishorror.co.uk

The tunnel is a 2011 Australian horror film that follows the journey of a crew of journalists looking for answers in an abandoned network of tunnels under Sydney.

After the government abandoned a project in the tunnel network for unknown reasons, the film crew set out to discover the truth.

They did find what they were looking for, but not without consequence. Please beware if you choose to watch this one, you might never want to go in a tunnel again. We promise not all tunnels are this scary.

2. The Great Escape

Photo Credit: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Escape_(film)

The great escape is a 1963 American WWII film that follows the planning an eventual escape of British soldiers from a German POW camp.

In the film, the soldiers plot an unlikely and daring escape from the camp by digging a tunnel running the length of the camp, under the fences and just short of the surrounding woods.

This film was based on Paul Brickhill’s 1950 book which was a first-hand account of the mass escape from Stalag Luft III in Sagan, in the province of Lower Silesia, Nazi Germany.

3. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Photo Credit: indianajones.wikia.com

Everyone has seen or at least heard of famed adventurer Indiana Jones. Well, he has had his fair share of close calls in caves and tunnels alike.

In the film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Jones finds himself getting chased by a plane while driving. Luckily for him, there was a tunnel not too far that he was able to narrowly escape into.

While he got into the tunnel safely, the plane that was following him decided to try and squeeze in as well, which didn’t work out very well for either party.

The plane ended up crash landing into the tunnel, losing its wings and catching on fire in the process while Jones almost gets run over by the flaming remains.

As always, Indiana Jones narrowly avoided this disaster and made it through safely.

4. The Mummy

Photo Credit: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mummy_(2017_film)

The 2017 film The Mummy, starring Tom Cruise. Though it may not have earned the best reviews, it features a scene in the London Underground tunnels with TBM boring through a wall to gain access at an ancient Egyptian mummification (burial) chamber.

5. Ocean’s Thirteen

Photo Credit: oceanscollection.wikia.com

When pulling off a daring Casino heist, the Ocean’s crew used a tunnel boring machine to simulate an earthquake which was meant to distract the casino owner and staff while they executed their plan to steal millions.

While the idea almost seems viable, in reality, the transport and operation of the machine alone would likely have costed them as much as they would have made from the heist itself.

But hey, we’re not trying to be too critical here, after all, they are the professionals…thief’s!


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