The Seven Longest Railway Tunnels in the World

the longest tunnels in the world

You want to know what the longest railway tunnels in the world are? Of course you do, who wouldn’t? According to an article we found on BBC, the list below makes up the seven longest railway tunnels in the world.

One of these should be very familiar to you since we’ve covered it in some of our other posts!

Ready for it? OK, here they are, the seven longest railway tunnels in the world:

1. Gotthard Base Tunnel, located in Switzerland, built 2016 is 35.7 miles (57.5 km)
2. Seikan Tunnel, located in Japan, built 1988 is 33.5 miles (53.9 km)
3. Eurotunnel, located in France – UK, built 1994 is 31.4 miles (50.5 km)
4. Yulhyeon Tunnel, located in South Korea, built 2015 is 31.2 miles (50.3 km)
5. Lotschberg Base Tunnel, located in Switzerland, built 2017 is 21.5 miles (34.6 km)
6. New Guanjiao Tunnel, located in China, built 2014 is 30.3 miles (32.6 km)
7. Guadarrama Tunnel, located in Spain, built 2017 is 17.6 miles (28.4 km)

So the next time you are at a bar and you want to impress a girl or want to appear smart, memorize this list and you’re sure to spark someones interest, or not!



Featured Photo: Transport Authorities from each country



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