Siemens, a global company that offers a wide range of products and services that includes systems and services for power generation, transmission and distribution, energy-efficient products and solutions for production, transportation and building technology, right up to technologies for high-quality and integrated healthcare, hooked-up a technology that keeps a close eye on GBT through the Alps.
“In the past, reaching the other side of the Alps has been an adventure. Today the journey through the Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT) is safe and comfortable – thanks to the Siemens solutions for tunnel safety and fire protection.”
According to Siemens, “the Gotthard Base Tunnel (GBT) is not only the longest, but also the smartest and safest tunnel in the world.”
Due to the high safety standards, travelers can enjoy the ride through the longest railway tunnel, completely relaxed.”
Join Siemens on the journey through the GBT by watching the video above and be amazed at the engineering masterpiece.